Agri-Solar Concept

The Agri-Solar concept developed by SUNfarming is based on an agri-voltaic structure designed according to DIN SPEC 91434, which regulates the conditions that must be met by agri-voltaic structures in Germany to ensure adequate performance.


Based on this basic standard, SUNfarming has improved its structures by incorporating its own innovations and has developed different productive agricultural concepts on the basis of its experience in its research center in Germany and on the basis of multiple research projects carried out both independently and with universities and other renowned institutions, as well as working together with farmers.

In this way, we have extensive experience in the implementation of different agricultural production systems under our agri-solar structures, from vegetable production to extensive eco-friendly animal production.

Dual agricultural use and the creation of new jobs, as well as the possibility of setting up agricultural cooperatives under the panels are one of SUNfarming’s main objectives. In combination with these new professional possibilities on a shared terrain with photovoltaic production, SUNfarming also develops specific trainings in the electrical, photovoltaic, or agricultural areas, in collaboration with local institutions, to generate a positive impact on local communities and contribute to a sustainable energy transition.

In addition to the Agri-Solar structures, SUNfarming also offers Umbrellas, designed for the cultivation of fruit trees, vines or berries.